Based on your essay, I think Chesterton might be my kind of guy too. Thanks for introducing him to me. A poem by Hilare Belloc is one piece of the puzzle that I am putting together for a future posting. Maybe some missing pieces can be found in Chesterton.

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Thanks Lynn! That sounds great! I think I'm going to read more on Belloc now :).

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Just in case you haven’t yet discovered them, the Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton, www.Chesterton.com is an excellent place to encounter Chesterton…on steroids. (They have a lot on Belloc as well, and a lot on distributism, which they’ve rebranded as “Localism”.

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Thanks Jim, this looks fantastic! (I assume you meant .org rather than .com?). Appreciate that - looks like some great reading for the weekend!

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